Atlas Sound FC104T72, FC104-T70 specifications Architect & Engineer Specifications

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Architect & Engineer Specifications

Unit shall be Atlas Sound 4" diameter loudspeaker Model FC104 or loudspeaker / transformer Model ______. Loudspeaker shall be listed

by Underwriters Laboratories (UL 1480 General Signaling) to U.S. and Canadian safety standards. The cone shall be the damped, high-compli- ance type. Base unit (without transformer) shall have a smooth extended frequen­cy­ response­ over a range of 150 Hz – 17 kHz and a power rating of not less than 10 watts program. The dispersion angle shall be 135° (-6 dB, 2 kHz octave band). The magnet shall be a 10 oz. (283g) ceramic type

providing the 1" (25 mm) voice coil to operate in a magnetic field of at least 10,500 gauss. Voice coil impedance shall be 8 ohms. Sensitivity shall be 94 dB (measured at 1 W / 1 M input). Free-air resonance shall be 101 Hz. Transform­er­ primary voltage­ shall be ____

(25V, 70.7V, 100V) with a frequen­cy­ response­ range of __________ and

power taps at ______ watts. Insertion loss shall not exceed ___dB. The

maximum depth of the loudspeak­er­ (Not including transformer) shall not exceed 214" (57 mm). Unit shall be used in conjunction with Atlas Sound baffle Model __________ and Enclosure Model __________.

©2008 Atlas Sound LP. All rights reserved. Atlas Sound is a trademark of Atlas Sound LP. ATS002794 RevB 9/08

FC104 Beamwidth (-6dB)

FC104 Frequency Response

FC104 Impedance (Ohms) vs. Frequency

FC104 Polars (Normalized to Zero on Axis) (-6dB)

1601 JACK MCKAY BLVD. ENNIS, TEXAS 75119 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3333

FAX (800) 765-3435 2/2

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Contents High-Compliance Loudspeaker with Transformer FC104TArchitect & Engineer Specifications