Viewer Window .......................................................................

14, 22, 85

Viewing an Image ...............................................................................




Writing Images to a CD.......................................................................


Writing to a CD....................................................................................




Zoom Mode (Main Window)..........................................................

11, 82

About This Instruction Manual

It is prohibited to reproduce, in whole or part, the contents of this Instruction Manual without permission.

Canon may change without notice the software specifications and contents of this Instruction Manual.

The software screens and displays printed in this Instruction Manual may differ slightly from the actual software.

The content of this Instruction Manual has been reviewed thoroughly. However, if you should notice any errors or omissions, please contact a Canon Service Center.

Please note that irrespective of the above-mentioned, Canon does not take responsibility for the outcome of the operation of the software.

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Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. ther names and products not mentioned above may be registered

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