3-18 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Change Pathname of Logical Log Tape Device

Location of Logical Log Files

When OnLine disk space is initialized, the logical log files are located in the
root dbspace. You cannot control this.
After OnLine is initialized, you can improve performance by moving the
logical log files out of the root dbspace and onto one or more disks that are
not shared by active tables. This can reduce disk contention.
If you do not know where your logical log files currently reside, select the
Status menu, Logs option.
If you decide to move the logical log files, refer topage 3-31.
Change Pathname of Logical Log Tape Device
Thelogical log tape device is specified as LTAPEDEV in the configuration file.
Youcan change the value of LTAPEDEVwhile OnLine is in online mode. The
change takes effect immediately.
Be prepared to create a level-0 archive immediately after you make the
change, unless you change the value to/dev/null.
Youcan establish the value of LTAPEDEV as a symbolic link, enabling you to
switchbetween more than one tape device without changing the pathname.
Important: Anytime you change the physical characteristics of the tape device, you
mustcreate a level-0 archive. Otherwise, you might be unable to restore the complete
setof tapes. OnLine cannot switch tape devices during a restore. OnLine will expect
alllogical log backup tapes to have the same block size and tape size as were specified
at the time of the most recent level-0 archive.
If you change the pathname to/dev/null, the change proceeds more
smoothlyif you make the change while OnLine is offline. If LTAPEDEV is set
to/dev/null, you can restore OnLine data only up to the point of your most-
recent archive. You cannot restore work done since then.
The tape device specified by the pathname must perform a rewind before
opening and on closing.