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Network Card
Sun Microsystems
Computer Equipment
Network Card
Sun Microsystems
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Introduction to thehme Fast Ethernet Device Driver 1
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Thehme Device Driver 2
Hardware Overview
Operating Speeds and Modes
Internal Transceiver
External Transceiver
Parameter Denitions 3
This chapter describes the parameters and settings for the hme device driver.
Driver Parameter Values and Denitions
The following sections describe the hme driver parameters, which are listed in Table3-1.
Dening the Current Status
Inter-Packet Gap Parameters
Dening an Additional Delay Before Transmitting a Packet Using lance_mode and ipg0
Table3-4 denes the lance_mode and ipg0 parameters.
Operational Mode Parameters
Table3-5 describes the operational mode parameters and their default values.
Selecting the Internal or External Transceiver
Dening the Number of Back-to-Back Packets To T ransmit
Reporting Transceiver Capabilities
Reporting the Link Partner Capabilities
Table3-8 describes the read-only link partner capabilities.
Setting Parameters 4
Parameter Options
Setting Parameters Using ndd
Identifying Device Instances
To specify the device instance for the ndd utility
Non-Interactive and Interactive Modes
Using the ndd Utility in Non-Interactive Mode
To modify a parameter value
To display the value of a parameter
Using the ndd Utility in Interactive Mode
To modify a parameter value in interactive mode
To list all the parameters supported by the hme driver
Typendd /dev/hme \?. (Refer to Table 3-1 through 3-8 for parameter descriptions. )
Setting Forced Mode
To select one of the ve local transceiver capabilities and set the mode to forced mode
Auto-Negotiation Mode
To set the mode to auto-negotiation
Conguring TCP/IP for Maximum Performance
Setting Parameters in the /etc/system File
To set the ipg1 to 10 and ipg2 to 5 when you reboot
Setting Parameters Using the hme.conf File
To set ipg1 to 20 and ipg2 to 10 for the SUNW,hme device in SBus slot 0xe