D1789, D1789-11, D1789-12, D1789-2 manual
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d1789 series user's Guide
important safety instructions!
English - 3
GettinG staRted
set uP the base
attach the stand
to Remove the stand
Connect the Corded handset
4 - English
for desktop use for wall mount use
Check TEL Line
test the Connection
if... try... the display says
#Charge all handsets complete ly (about 15 hours) bef ore using.
test the Connection
settinG uP the CelllinK bluetooth ConneCtion
Pair your bluetooth phone
#most cellular phones automat ically trans fer the audio to a bl uetooth devi ce as soon
GettinG to Know YouR Phone
PaRts of the base
Opens the menu.
In standby: turn the answering system on or off.
8 - English
PaRts of the handset
( )
( )
Reading the displays
Base LCD Display Handset LCD Display
10 - English
Select a cellular phone for an outgoing call.
Bluetooth Setup
usinG the menus
Handset Setup
menu (handset menu only)
Date & Time
Answering Setup
Base Setup
usinG YouR Phone
maKinG landline Calls
English - 13
maKinG bluetooth Calls
14 - English
#the Privacy option only affe cts the ring. a ll stations
#to add another cellular phone, use t he same proced ures on page 5.
ChanGinG the Volume
usinG the CalleR id and Redial lists
English - 15
#Press * a third time to return to nor mal mode.
usinG Call waitinG
using the Phonebook
adding Phonebook entries
downloading Cellular Phonebooks
English - 17
deleting all the Phonebook entries
usinG sPeCial featuRes
off-hooK menus
18 - English
to... from the base... from the cordless handset... accept a page Pick up the receiver or press
#to use the features in this sectio n, you need at leas t 1 cordless hands et.
Conference Calling
English - 19
silent mode
#if the phone is in silent mode and yo u turn off the ans wering system , the phone
Chain dialinG
VoiCe messaGe notifiCation
#when you select
20 - English
usinG YouR Phone duRinG a PoweR failuRe
answeRinG sYstem oPtions (
#Recording a greeting overwr ites any previou sly recorded
aCCessinG the answeRinG sYstem
22 - English
sCReeninG YouR Calls
#if you mute the call screen, the s ystem continu es taking the me ssage; it just st ops
usinG the answeRinG sYstem RemotelY
#Remember to make a note of your new se curity code!
Programming a security Code
English - 23
#if you don't press
imPoRtant infoRmation
solVinG PRoblems
English - 25
bluetooth problems Possible solutions The D1789 doesnt ring when my cellular phone does.
#if you dont hear a dial tone or the dis play says
The D1789 paired with my phone, but I cant hear anything through the station.
installing a line filter or dsl filter
liquid damage
ResettinG stations
adaPteR and batteRY infoRmation aC adapter base Charger
battery pack (with normal use)
ReChaRGeable batteRY waRninG
ComPlianCe infoRmation
fCC PaRt 68 infoRmation
1-YeaR limited waRRantY
evidence of original purchas e is required fo r warranty service.