1.Remove side voicemitter retainer by unscrewing counter clockwise using the
2.Remove the side voicemitter from the mask by pressing from the inside of the mask assembly. Remove the gasket from the sideport housing on the mask exterior.
3.To install new side voicemitter kit, position the gasket in the side port.
4.When looking at the voicemitter, both sides will have small holes in the surface for sound transmission, however only one side will have four little beads poking through the sound transmission holes. Install the side voicemitter with the four beaded side facing out.
5.Position the side voicemitter retainer in the sideport.
6.Tighten the voicemitter retainer by turning clockwise with the
fig. 34
1. This tool or a similar object or tool is used to remove the side voicemitter from the facepiece.
2Removal of the side voicemitter allows cleaning of the facepiece, replacement of the voicemitter and conversion of the filter cartridge from the left to the right side.
fig. 35
1.Lay the mask face up on a
2.Remove the quick disconnect coupling from the retainer in the exhalation valve cover.
3.Grasp the external drink tube where it joins the quick disconnect coupling with one hand, and with the other, grasp the quick disconnect coupling and pull away with a twisting motion. This will disengage the external drink tube from the quick disconnect coupling.
Do not pull drink tube away from exhalation valve body, as the tube is glued in place and this will damage the facepiece.