>>To access the MENU SCRE , s m ly touch MENU from t e CONTROL SCREEN.

>>From the MENU page,andchangescc youtimes DATEPROGRAMcan:duriAng DachTIMESETTINGSdaySETTINGSf thetoweretok-.prognter theamaccuratetemperaturdat


ENERGY WATCH t display kWh co sumption and the


dollar cost of operating HVAC Syst m


CLEAN SCREEN places the to ch scre n in a sleep mode for

15 s onds which allows you to wipe the screen with a damp-



Access the SET SCREEN menu to change screen properties.




MENU SCREENAccess VACFILTERADVATIONNCEDMONITORSESETINGSTINGSto reviewtotoactivateconfigurdaysthofe"ftheVACATIONanthermostatrun imeMODE." . Tosecondsin theaCAUTIONqualifiedccessffectprocess. theClimatouchtheinsperformancAlADVANCEDofteringallerentering. willthethisSETTINGS,conofysthtfinuouslyeaturemHVACproper.holdsysbeepttheiesemforinADVANCEDand5thsshecADVANCEDouldndsbeSETTINGSto performedindicSETTINGSte butthaonlytonyouformaybyarea5