You can use the following keys at the RPAL menu.
RPAL Menu Function Keys
Key Function
ì ↓selects the color to adjust
← → selects the color hue or gray shade
Ctrl-←moves the menu to the left or right
Ctrl-→so you can view the entire screen
Rresets all color hue or gray shades to their
factory default values
Ssaves the current palette to an RPAL data file
(see the following section)
Lload an RPAL data file
1saves the current palette as user palette 1 (p4)
2saves the current palette as user palette 2 (p5)
Hdisplays help information
Esc exits the menu
RPAL changes gray shades or colors in real time, so you
can see the changes as you make them.
Saving an RPAL Data File
To save an RPAL data file, follow these steps.
1. Press S from the RPAL Set Up Menu. RPAL displays a
filename prompt.
2. Type the full path and filename of the RPAL data file.
(RPAL limits your pathname/filename to 38 characters.)
3. Either press ENTER to save the file or ESC to exit
without saving the file.
PAL Utility
Palette Utilities 6-9