22 reboots the system
23 loads system and PCMCIA drivers
24 comment block describing SCSI drivers/utilities
25 loads system, PCMCIA, and SCSI drivers
26 comment block describing SCSI and PCMCIA drivers/
27 executes the MSCDEX so the CD-ROM is accessed
28 loads system and PCMCIA drivers
29 comment block describing PCMCIA drivers/
30 edits command lines, recalls MS-DOS command, and
creates macros
31 tells the system the user doesn’t want to load any drivers or
32 comment block that says there are no system drivers or
utilities to be loaded
33 runs Windows
Default CONFIG.SYS Files
If your application requires additions or changes to the
CONFIG.SYS file, carefully consider the consequences. The
factory-installed (default) file is listed and described in this
section. Please read and understand this file before you
change it. (See the MS-DOS User’s Guide and Reference for
more details on constructing this file and its significance.)
Each line of the default CONFIG.SYS file and its purpose are
defined in the table following the file listing. You can add
commands required by your application, but do not delete
the existing default commands.
Guidelines for Installing Applications
Installing and Using Applications 2-7