Restoring Windows
After you restore the MS-DOS files, you will be instructed to
restore the remaining software (Windows, BatteryPro,
mouse, SCSI, PCMCIA, and TM4000M display drivers).
1. Place the Windows backup diskette you should have
created after you purchased your computer in Drive A
and from the MS-DOS C:\> prompt type
You are prompted to use either Express Setup
(recommended) or Custom Setup and to indicate the
directory to which files will be copied.
2. Enter C:\Windows as the default.
You are prompted to load each of the Windows diskettes.
3. When installation is complete, reboot your computer.
Restoring BatteryPro Utilities
After you restore the MS-DOS and Windows files, install the
BatteryPro utilities from the backup diskette you should
have created after you purchased your computer:
1. Insert the correct backup diskette into drive A, and at
the MS-DOS A:\> prompt, type
and press ENTER.
You will be asked to verify the default directory of
C:\UTILS and to specify files to be installed.
2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Restoring MS-DOS System Files
2-18 Installing and Using Applications