80 Chapter 4
Index of Symptom-to-FRU Error MessageLCD-Related Symptoms
Symptom / Error Action in Sequence
LCD backlight doesn't work First, plug a monitor to CRT port. Next, enter BIOS utility to running
“Load Default Settings” then reboot the system.
Reconnect the LCD connectors.
Keyboard (if the brightness function key doesn't work).
LCD cable
LCD inverter
Main board
LCD is too dark
LCD brightness cannot be adjusted
Enter BIOS Utility to execute “Load Setup Default Settings”, then
reboot system.
Reconnect the LCD connectors.
Keyboard (if the brightness function key doesn't work).
LCD cable
LCD inverter
Main board
Unreadable LCD screen
Missing pels in characters
Abnormal screen
Wrong color displayed
LCD has extra horizontal or vertical lines
Reconnect the LCD cable
LCD cable
Main board
Indicator-Related Symptoms
Symptom / Error Action in Sequence
Indicator incorrectly remains off or on, but system
runs correctly
Main board
HDD/CD-ROM active indicators cannot work HDD/CD-ROM drive
Device driver
Main board
Power-Related Symptoms
Symptom / Error Action in Sequence
Power shuts down during operation P ower source (battery pack and power adapter). See “Power
System Check” on page 71.
Battery pack
AC adapter
See if the thermal module is overheat (Heat sink or fan).
Main board
The system cannot power-on. Power source (battery pack and power adapter). See “Power
System Check” on page 71.
Battery pack
Power adapter
Main board
The system cannot power-off. In Windows XP operating system, hold and press the power switch
for more than 4 seconds. If the system can power off, then the main
board is OK. Verify OS in the HDD.
Main board