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Auto calibrate
When you visit the host computer for the very first time, your viewer needs
to determine the optimum video and mouse settings. The button will remind
you to click it by flashing red when a new computer screen is encountered.
Performing this step is important because it can help to decrease unnecessary
video information being sent across the link, thus improving overall
Once this has been done, the video settings for the host computer will be
retained and re-used.
Note: When performing an auto calibration, ensure that the screen image is
static (no moving images) and also try to remove any on-screen displays (such
as host names or menus). This is because they can affect the calibration process
and result in a lower overall performance level. For mouse calibration, ensure
that there are no application windows located around the upper left corner of
the screen. This is because as the mouse calibration takes place, the cursor may
change (to match the application as it skims across the window) and this may
confuse the calculation. Also ensure that the host system does not have the
mouse cursor trails option enabled.
To auto calibrate the screen and/or mouse
1 Click the button to display the Calibrate options dialog:
2 Click the required action.
A progress indicator will be
displayed while the necessary
calculations are made.
Upon completion
an information
dialog will
explain the
When clicked, this button reveals a menu of
options concerned with keyboard, video and
mouse operation.
Single Mouse Mode
This mode is for fast network connections
where the cursor response is sufficient
to provide instant visual feedback on the
remote screen. When enabled, the cursor is
‘captured’ within the viewer window until you
use the ‘escape’ hot keys.
To escape from single mouse mode, press F8
and then P. Alternatively, enable and use the mouse button escape sequences
- see Advanced unit configuration for details.
The single mouse mode does not require calibration.
Resync Mouse
This option has the same effect as the button on the menu bar and re-
synchronises the local and remote mouse pointers.
Refresh Screen
This option refreshes the whole screen image to remove any artifacts from
moved screen items. This is useful when using very low refresh rates on slow
speed communication links.