User Connections 57
User Connections
Rear Panel Connections (All Models)
Make application load connections to the output terminals or bus bars, analog connector, and digital connector as shown on
the rear-panel drawing for your model power supply. These connections are organized by series as follows:
l Series 664xA and 665xA
l Series 667xA
l Series 668xA
Make controller connections (GPIB and serial link) as shown in Figure 4-6 at the end of this chapter.
Load Wire Selection (All Models)
Fire Hazard To satisfy safety requirements, load wires must be large enough not to overheat when
carrying the maximum short-circuit current of the power supply. If there is more than one load, then
any pair of load wires must be capable of safely carrying the full-rated current of the supply. With
the larger-capacity supplies (such as Series 668xA), use of two or more load wires in parallel may be
Table 4-1 lists the characteristics of AWG (American Wire Gauge) copper wire.
Table 4-1. Stranded Copper Wire Capacity and Resistance
No. (Ω/m) No. (Ω/m)
14 25 0.0103 2 140 0.00064
12 30 0.0065 1/0 195 0.00040
10 40 0.0041 2/0 225 0.00032
8 60 0.0025 3/0 260 0.00025
6 80 0.0016 4/0 300 0.00020
4 105 0.0010
1. Ampacity is based on 30 °C ambient temperature with conductor rated at 60 °C. For ambient temperature other
than 30 °C, multiply the above ampacities by the following constants:
Temp (°C) Constant Temp (°C) Constant
21-25 1.08 41-45 0.71
26-30 1.00 46-50 0.58
31-35 0.91 51-55 0.41
36-40 0.82
2. Resistance is nominal at 75 °C wire temperature.