6 - Language Dictionary
For sequence steps of type CF_CHARGE, CF_DISCHARGE, or CF_REST, the format is:
cell-number step-number time status entry-type volt-reading
curr-reading amp-hours watt-hours <newline>.
For all other sequence step types, the format is:
cell-number step-number time status entry-type value <newline>
cell-number 1 through 256
step-number 1 through n, the number defined by cfSetSeqStep
time Time in seconds since the forming sequence was triggered
status A value that indicates the status of the cell
Constant Value Description
CF_CV 1 constant voltage mode
CF_CC_POS 2 constant current charge mode
CF_CC_NEG 4 constant current discharge mode
entry-type One of the following character strings: Charge, Discharge, Rest, ACR, DCR,
TaggedACR, TaggedDCR Tagged OCV, TaggedCumAH, Tagge dCumWH,
ResetCumAH, ResetCumWH.
volt-reading Cell voltage measurement in volts
curr-reading Cell current measurement in amperes
amp-hours The cumulative ampere-hours measured from the beginning of this step-number.
watt-hours The cumulative watt-hours measured from the beginning of this step-number.
value The measurement or value related to the step type (either Tagged ACR, TaggedDCR,
TaggedOCV, TaggedCumWH, TaggedCumAH).
The measure log remains in the instrument's memory until a new forming sequence is started
with the cfInitiate function.
int cfReadSerial (CF_HANDLE server, CF_SERIAL_PORT port, int bufsize,
char *buffer, int *retcount);
Reads data from one of the serial ports. The port argument can be CF_PORTA or CF_PORTB. A
maximum of bufsize characters will be returned in buffer. The number of characters in the buffer
is returned in retcount. If there are fewer than bufsize characters available to be read, the function
returns only these characters and does not wait for the buffer to fill. The instrument stores
characters from the serial ports in a FIFO buffer until they are read by the controller. The
function cfSerialStatus can be used to test for serial error conditions.
See Also