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6 Remove the terminal cover.
8 Connect the connectors between the modules with cables.
Mount modules on the back boxes.
9 Run the connection cable through the joint pipe (which you should have made open in
advance) and connect CN1 of the GT-SW to the next row.
10 Put back the terminal cover.
Mount the front frame and tighten with the special screwdriver (enclosed with GT-
11 For the GT-SW and GT-AD, remove the resident name/address plate or paper by
pressing either the left or right end. (Peel off the plastic film.)
Use a permanent pen to write the resident name and address on the transparent plate
and mount the plate on the module.
7 From the speech module to the next module, insert the attached connector into the
Make sure to run the cable under the terminal cover for protection.
Example of interconnection of modules
Use the GF-C to connect to the name scrolling module.
To position the speech module in the center row, run the
GF-C through the joint pipe in advance.