Troubleshooting Spanning Tree Generic Troubleshooting in Dshell
OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005 page 4-23
sockGlobal_maxmsgevt: This counter is the maximum number of message (counter) processed
consecutively on the Message Event Manager channel (inter-NI STP channel).
sockGlobal_looptick: This flag is set to 1 indicates that we loop until the maximum number of
message processed (Threshold) is overtaken.
sockGlobal_maxtick: This counter is the maximum number of ticks processed consecutively.
sockGlobal_maxtickact: This parameter is the maximum number of times the function attached to the
tick can be called consecutively.
sockGlobal_tmoval: This parameter is the value of the time-out for retry mechanism.
sockGlobal_localchannelevt: This counter is the number of message received on the Message event
channel (inter-NI STP channel).
sockGlobal_localchannelservice: This counter is the number of message received on the service chan-
A warning entry contains the name of the C source file and a line number. The explanation of the warning
is found in the STP Socket Handler source code:
This trace records all the event received by the Socket Handler. This following is a sample output:
Trace Index : 4
remote_addr : 3 0 12 20
msg -> 0 or ack -> 1 : 1 seqID : 2
message ID : 0
Trace Index : 5
remote_addr : 3 0 12 20
msg -> 0 or ack -> 1 : 0 seqID : 2
message ID : c00ab
This trace displays the following parameters:
output definitions
Remote_addr Consists of the transmitting slot, transmitting slice, transmitting AppId,
transmitting SnapId.
msg or ack A 0 indicates a message while a 1 indicates an acknowledgement.
seqID The sequence identifier of the message or acknowledgement.
message ID The first word consists of the AppId of the transmitting application.
The last word consists of an event identifier message or acknowledge-
ment and sequence identifier parameters, which appear only in case of
reliable mode. The reliable mode concerns only the Protocol Manager
(CMM/NI STP) and Message event Manager (inter-NI STP) channels.