Dshell Troubleshooting Troubleshooting ARP
page 11-10 OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005
Viewing the ARP Table on OmniSwitch 6624/6648 Switches
To look at the ARP table on OS-6600 use the following command in Dshell:
Working: [Kernel]->ipni_arpShow
Slot 2. NI Arp Table
destination gateway port la_hold expire arp_flags rt_flags refcnt use vlan 00:00:5e:0 0:01:02 29 0x0 0 8e 405 0 2 00:d0:95:8 4:07:1e 90 0x0 1ddddf1 0 405 0 4 00:00:5e:0 0:01:04 29 0x0 0 8e 405 0 4 00:20:da:0 a:54:10 64 0x0 1ddddd1 0 405 0 999 00:d0:95:6 a:84:51 64 0x0 1dded3e 200 405 0 999 00:d0:95:79:64:ab 120 0x0 1ddec01 0 05 0 336
value = 0 = 0x0
Working: [Kernel]->
To look at the ARP statistics use the following command in Dshell:
Working: [Kernel]->ipni_arplookup ""
value = 0 = 0x0
Working: [Kernel]->ipedrArpStatShow
arp add : 3161
arp add fail : 0
arp del : 3155
arp del fail: 0
arp change : 476
arp refresh : 7686
arp putlist : 0
value = 16 = 0x10