Join/Prune Troubleshooting PIM-SM
page 16-20 OmniSwitch Troubleshooting Guide September 2005
PIM: .... ..1. = WC bit - join / prune applies to the (*,G) or (*,*,RP) entry
PIM: .... ...1 = RPT-bit - information about (S,G) is sent towards the RP
PIM: Mask length = 32
PIM: Source address = []
Simplified PRUNE Packet
The main difference between a JOIN and PRUNE is the number of joined source versus pruned source:
PIM: *** Encoded-Multicast Group Address-1 ***
PIM: Address family = 1 (IP (IP version 4))
PIM: Encoding type = 0
PIM: Reserved = 0
PIM: Mask length = 32
PIM: Group multicast address = []
PIM: Number of joined sources = 0
PIM: Number of pruned sources = 1
Debugging JOIN/PRUNE Event
The commands below will allow you to see any JOIN/PRUNE message:
-> ip pimsm debug-type joinprune
-> ip pimsm debug-level 100
That will show if the message is join or prune, the upstream router, outgoing VLAN, the multicast group
and the RP.
tPimsm-: BuildJoinPrune: for nbr: on vlan:2
tPimsm-: BuildJoinPrune: next route
tPimsm-: Sending Triggered GJoins Joins 1 Prunes 0
tPimsm-: BuildJoinPrune: for nbr: on vlan:2
tPimsm-: BuildJoinPrune: next route
tPimsm-: BuildJoinPrune: (*, route
tPimsm-: BuildJoinPrune: next route
tPimsm-: Send Join (, on vlan 2,bits:7 holdtime 210
tPimsm-: BuildJoinPrune: for nbr: on vlan:2
tPimsm-: BuildJoinPrune: next route
tPimsm-: BuildJoinPrune: (*, route
tPimsm-: BuildJoinPrune: next route
tPimsm-: Send Join (, on vlan 2,bits:7 holdtime 210