Syntax %%IncludeFeature:font (
font name
Purpose Specifies the default font to use.
Notes Fonts are identified by the names shown above. Only the
resident fonts may be selected (the available set varies from
printer to printer). An asterisk “*” in the name indicates that a font
is scalable, and that a point size is to be applied. The value
selectbyid indicates that the default font ID or unique font index
will be used for default font selection. Selecting a bound, bitmap
font overrides the default settings for symbol set and point size.
An unbound font uses the specified default symbol set if
possible, while a scalable font uses the default font size.
font name
Purpose Specifies the default font name.
Range courier12 times*blditalic
courier12bold univ*
courier12italic univ*italic
courier10 univ*bold
courier10bold univ*blditalic
courier10italic univcond*
lineprinter univcond*italic
times* univcond*bold
times*italic univcond*blditlc
times*bold selectbyindex
Default Depends on printer configuration
Format Character
Syntax %%IncludeFeature:fontid
(index #
)Purpose Specifies the default font index number.