6. MONITOR: To enter the Apple machine language, you
can examine, change, move, compare and run the contents of memory in machine language of 6502 CPU.
User'sguide: After you make installations of
Now you must key in the number 2,4 or 8 to choice how many
bytes you want to program your EPROMS. 2 represents 2K bytes
8K bytes
be occurred in the following steps if you make wrong selection
When everything is right, you will see the next lines come to the screen:
Before you make any action, the first thing is to learn how to insert the EPROM into TEXTOOL:
1.To pull up the stick of textool that can release any ROM or EPROM which already installed in place of textool.
2.To put the right EPROM into the textool. Because the textool
is 28 pins DIP socket that is for 2764 EPROMs, and 2716,2732 EPROMs are 24 pins, so the installation of 2716 and 2732 must 2 pins below calculated from the up side of textool. It is very important to recheck the EPROM goes into the textool in right pins, otherwise it might be caused a damage.