ThinkTank Manual
you may not create the new outline on the drive that contains the THINKTANK PROGRAM DISK. The disk you choose must contain enough free space to store the new outline.
ThinkTank responds to the FILES/NEW command by asking for the name of the new outline file. The procedure is similar to selecting ENTER from the EXISTING FILE Menu when opening an existing outline. The file name consists of two parts:
1.the drive, which may be either a PASCAL device num- ber or a volume name; and
2.the file name, which can be up to 12 characters long (not counting any required directory names). Think— Tank will append the suffix .DB to the name to distinguish it as an outline.
See Appendix B for a review of PASCAL devices, volumes, and file naming conventions.
Enter the drive and file name. If you plan to store the new outline on a floppy disk, insert it in the drive you specified.
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