ThinkTank Manual





Print bar cursor outline









PORT DEVICE Menu (PORT command)

See also:


When you give the PORT command, ThinkTank displays the PORT DEVICE Menu which allows you to choose whether to print the bar cursor outline or to transfer it to or from a text file. Choose PRINTER to print it. When you reach the end of the PORT options, make sure your printer is properly connected and the power is turned on. (There’s no way for ThinkTank to warn you or continue if it’s not.) Then press the space bar to begin printing. You can press ESC to stop at any time.

If your computer can display both upper— and lowercase letters, ThinkTank will print your outline pretty much as it appears on your screen. However, if it can only display upper- case (capital) letters, ThinkTank will enhance your paragraphs by capitalizing the first letter of each sentence, printing all other letters lowercase. You can capitalize any other letter by preceding it with a backslash (“\“) and any series of letters by surrounding them with carets (“^“). See Box 4—1 for further information.
