Brief Tour
The Secondary Command Menu
Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the last selection on the Main Command Menu, EXTRA. The explanation line reads MORE THINKTANK COMMANDS. Press the slash key, its command key, and the Secondary Command Menu appears as shown in Figure
The last option on the Secondary Command Menu reads ESCAPE. Its explanation line reads CANCEL THIS COMMAND and its command key is ESC. When you press ESC, the menu disappears and ThinkTank returns to the Top Level.
It’s important to understand how menus work because most ThinkTank commands appear on them. Many commands have options which you can select from submenus. ThinkTank doesn’t actually execute these commands until you’ve progressed down a “command tree” of options, telling it exactly what you want it to do. The ThinkTank reference card shows the top levels of these command trees, and the reference guide contains a complete list of ThinkTank commands in alphabetical order.