Suppose the boss wants you to reorganize the PRODUCT PLAN. Let’s make a copy of it first, in case we decide later that we don’t like it. Collapse your new outline, type “4U” to move the bar cursor UP to PRODUCT PLAN, and then collapse it. Now type “//C”, the fast path to COPY, to make a copy of
the PRODUCT PLAN outline. After ThinkTank has copied all 110 headlines, the copy will appear immediately DOWN from the original. Now type “M4D” and watch as ThinkTank MOVEs the
copy four positions DOWN, below the outline you created.
New Headlines
Let’s start reorganizing by entering some new headlines. Type NR for NEW/RIGHT and enter the headline, “One Step Ahead”. Remember to press RETURN when you’re finished. Now type ND (NEW/DOWN) and enter “Marketing Department”. Type ND again and enter “Making a Killing”. The screen will look like Figure