
Secondary Command Menu: The menu, displayed by selecting EXTRA from the Main Command Menu, that contains additional ThinkTank commands.

Selection: A block of text in a paragraph that you want to copy, delete, or move.

Serial Number: Each copy of ThinkTank bears a unique number designed to identify its registered owner. It appears on

the screen each time your start up ThinkTank or change outlines.

Specialist Command Menu:The menu, displayed by selecting SPECIAL from the Main Command Menu, that connects ThinkTank to other programs and commands.

Subheading: A headline which is subordinate to another.

Subordinate:At a lower level; to the right; deeper; beneath.

Summit: The title of an outline; its highest—level headline.

Superordinate: At a higher level; to the left.

Text Area: The upper portion of your computer screen, where ThinkTank normally displays the text of your outline.

Text File: Outline material in a standard format which can be ported into or out of ThinkTank, or created or processed by other programs.

Top Level: The state of ThinkTank when no menu is displayed and no command is being executed, as when you first start up the program and load in an outline. ThinkTank’s paragraph editor also has a Top Level.

Under: Subordinate to; same as beneath.

Underneath: Same as under.

Up: Above, but at the same level in the outline structure.
