
Step 5 Plug the TransWarp card in the expansion slot of your choice. If you are installing TransWarp in an Apple //e, slot 3 is recommended. If you have an Apple II or II+, slot 0 is the recommended slot. Since TransWarp also emulates the Apple II language card, which is usually installed in slot 0, the language card is not required when the TransWarp card is active. If you rearrange the cards in your system, be sure to set the TransWarp switches accordingly.

Step 6 Replace the top lid of the computer. Installation is complete.

Using TransWarp When the computer power is turned on, TransWarp is automatically activated. As the TransWarp firmware is “booted-in” the Apple’s speaker will emit a short (accelerated) “beep”, the “TRANSWARP™” logo will then be displayed on the screen momentarily, followed by another high pitched “beep” from the Apple’s speaker, as the Apple’s firmware is “booted-in.” TransWarp will then accelerate any Apple software run on the system. Except for speed, TransWarp will be completely transparent to the user and the software.

The only way to activate TransWarp is by powering-up, or “cold-booting”, the computer. Occasionally, it may be desirable to run some video demonstration programs, games,sound synthesis programs, or other programsat normal Apple speed or at a slower accelerated rate. This can be accomplished through hardware commands, software commands, or a combination of both.

Hardware Control To disable the TransWarp completely, immediately after power-up, press the ESCape key while the “TRANSWARP™” logo is still displayed on the screen. The system will continue to boot normally and run at the normal Apple speed of 1 MHz, using the Apple’s processor and memory.

IMPORTANT: If your TransWarp card is installed in slot zero of an Apple II, disabling the TransWarp card will also disable the TransWarp’s language card feature. If you encounter this situation, install your language card in slot zero and the TransWarp in another available slot.

Remember, the initial speed of the TransWarp is determined by the two number eight switches on the TransWarp card and is indicated to the user by the relative pitch of the speaker’s “beep” at power-up. For example, if switch 8 of block 1 is CLOSEDand switch 8 of block 2 is OPEN,the maximum TransWarp speed will be slowed to 1.7 MHz. The “beep” of the speaker will be slightly lower pitched at this rate.