Symptom Possible Problem Solutions
3There is echo sound
coming from speakers
when the music is
playing or while
making phone calls.
The software CD- ROM
is not installed.
Follow the steps for
installing the software.
Speaker volume is
set too high.
The Call Button on the
speaker does not
The software CD-ROM
is not installed.
Follow the steps for
installing the software.
7 When 2 parties are
talking over the
internet phone call, the
Call Button on the
speaker doesn’t answer
the 3rd party incoming
call. ( with Skype™)
The Call Button on the
speaker does not
support to answer 3rd
party incoming call.
Please use the mouse
and click directly on
the Answer Call button
on the program to
answer 3rd party
incoming call.
(with Skype™)
The VoIP soft phone
program used is not
The Call Button only
supports Skype™
Voice is breaking up
while talking through
the Internet.
Too far from the
Internet is busy or poor
bandwidth quality.
Please consult with
your Internet Service
Be in the range of 2-5
feet from the speaker
for best performance.
Press and hold
button to decrease
the volume.
8 Windows stop
responding when
connecting the speaker
to the computer while
the music is playing or
while making internet
phone calls.
The speaker is
connected while the
music is playing or
while making internet
phone calls.
Please connect the
speaker to the
computer while all the
programs and
applications are close.
9 Once you connected
the speaker and run
Windows Media
Player™, it doesnt play
the music.
Windows Media
Player™ is executed
under skin mode”
Please exit and restart
Windows Media
Player ™ again.
The software CD- ROM
is not installed.




Music doesn’t stop
automatically for
incoming and/or
outgoing calls.
Follow the steps for
installing the software.
The media players
used is not Windows
Media Player™ or
The Auto Music Pause
and Resume feature
only support Windows
Media Player™ or
Winamp™ currently.
The USB connector is
Reconnect the USB
connector to the USB
port on the computer.
Symptom Possible Problem Solutions