USB2.0 Card Reader Software

Installs the USB2.0 card reader software.

Anti-vi rus utili ty

The anti-virus application scans, identifies, and removes computer viruses. View the online help for detailed information.

3.3.3 ASUS Contact i nformati on

Click the Contact tab to display the ASUS contact information. You can also find this information on the inside front cover of this user guide.

3.4Software information

Most of the applications in the support CD have wizards that will conveniently guide you through the installation. View the online help or readme file that came with the software for more information.

3.4.1 ASUS PC Probe II

PC Probe II is a utility that monitors the computerʼs vital components and alerts you of any problem with these components. PC Probe II senses fan rotations, CPU temperature, and system voltages, among others. PC Probe II is software-based, allowing you to start monitoring your computer the moment you turn it on. With this utility, you are assured that your computer is always at a healthy operating condition.

ASUS Pundit P1-AH2
