1.10 Product Support
If you have any problems with the I-Storm USB ADSL Modem,
please contact the dealer where you bought this product. If you
have any other questions you can contact the Atlantis Land
company directly at the following address:
Atlantis Land SpA
Viale De Gasperi 122
20017 Mazzo di Rho (MI)
Tel: +39.(0)2.93906085
Fax: +39.(0)2.93906161
Help Desk :+39.(0)2.93907634
Email: tecnici@atlantis-land.com
WWW: www.atlantis-land.com
The Atlantis Land logo is a registered trademark of Atlantis Land
SpA. All other names mentioned mat be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners. Subject to change without
notice. No liability for technical errors and/or omissions.