NetCamera NV
4.2.5 Breach Manager
The Breach Manager submenu enables you to configure all breach alert and motion detection settings:
You can configure the system to capture images when either the motion sensors, DI1 or DI2 sensors are activated.
To set a breach alert, do the following:
•Select a breach ID from the dropdown menu and enter the duration of the alert. You can configure up to five separate alerts at any one time.
•Select the alert trigger (DI1, DI2, MOTION, None) device and camera location from the dropdown menus.
•Check the radio buttons to select whether to be alerted by ftp upload, email, tcp message or external DO alarm.If external DO alarm is selected, choose the alarm type from the dropdown menu, select ON to activate the alarm, and enter the alarm length time in the DO Last field.
•Check the Enable checkbox and click the Submit button to confirm all settings.