Click on Remove ALL [or Overwrite the older version install without remove].

Then chose Yes, I want to restart my computer and click Finish.

Now You can remove the Adapter.

5 Troubleshooting

Common Problems and Solutions

This chapter provides solutions to problems that may occur during the installation and operation of the WLAN 802.11g USB Adapter. Read the descriptions below to solve your problems.

1.My computer cannot find the Adapter

ƒMake sure the Adapter has no physical damage.

ƒMake sure the Adapter is properly inserted into USB slot.

ƒTry the Adapter in other USB slots.

ƒTry another Adapter in that particular USB slot.

2.Cannot access any network resources from the computer. Make sure that

the notebook PC is powered on.

ƒMake sure that the notebook PC is powered on.

ƒMake sure that the Adapter is configured with the same SSID and security options as the other computers in the infrastructure configuration.

Disable “Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration

In Windows XP, it is recommended that you use the WLAN 802.11g Utility. Right after the installation, before opening the Utility, please follow the steps below to disable the Windows XP Zero Configuration:

1Go to “Control Panel” and double click “Network Connections”.

2Right-clickWireless Network Connection” of WLAN 802.11gWireless LAN, and select “Properties”.

3Select “Wireless Networks” tab, and uncheck the check box of “Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings”, and then click “OK”.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.Can I run an application from a remote computer over the wireless network?