A05-17AM-D01 - A05-17BM-D03 - A05-19BM-D02_X02 8 - 40
4.4 Color

4.4.1 Color Temperature

User Adjust the R.G.B. gain level.
6500K Select color temperature to 6500°K.
9300K Select color temperature to 9300°K.
Exit Close the Color Temperature OSD menu.

4.4.2 Adjust the flesh tone of the image

Shade Adjust the shade of the image color.
Saturation Adjust the saturation of the image color.
Exit Close the Color OSD menu.

4.4.3 Image Adjust

Geometry Adjust geometry of the image automatically.
Horizontal size Adjust the horizontal sync size of signal.
Horizontal phase Adjust the horizontal sync phase of signal.
Horizontal position Adjust the horizontal position of the image.
Vertical position Adjust the vertical position of the image.
Exit Close the Image OSD menu
4.5 Language
Sets the language of the OSD windows.
4.6 Tools

4.6.1 OSD Controls

Display time Setting the OSD menu display time.
OSD H. Position OSD H. Position Adjust the horizontal position of the OSD menu.
OSD V. Position OSD V. Position Adjust the vertical position of the OSD menu.
Exit Close the OSD Control OSD menu