RS-232 Control Port
The RS-232 port refers to the main RJ-45 connection
located on the preamplifier's back panel. The RJ-45
contains connections for transmission and reception of
RS-232 data. See pin-out at right. The RJ-45 also
supports power supply and IR input for CK1.2 Keypad
Port - When disabling the RS-232 port, RS-232 strings
will be neither transmitted nor received through the
main RJ-45 jack. By default the RS-232 port is enabled.
Baud rate - The default baud rate is 9600. B&K does not recommend using any baud rate other than 9600.
When a Baud rate other than 9600 is used, Keypad status will not function.
Echo - Enabled or Disabled. This setting is for those with external control systems communicating to B&K
products via RS-232. Echo will repeat RS-232 transmissions received through the main RJ-45 receive port.
Feedback (RS-232 Continuous Reply):
None (Default) = Neither BKC-DIP Update or Reply is generated.
Update = A change affecting a logical zone from the Front Panel or
B&K IR generates an update message representing the specific front panel
button or B&K IR command. The preamplifier must then be polled to deter-
mine the current status.
Reply = When set to “REPLY”, the preamplifier will automatically
generate BKC-DIP reply messages to allow unsolicited continuous feedback
to an external RS-232 controller. A change affecting Zone A or Zone B from
the Front Panel or B&K IR generates a reply message representing the new
status of the parameter that was changed.
Typical format example of a BKC-DIP Reply :
An example BKC-DIP Reply message the Reference 50 Series2 will automatically generate when a master
volume change is executed in Logical Zone 1 is (0,R,P1=FF,1=60;). Reply message Logical Zone 1 current
Preset parameter Volume value is set to 60 hex or 0dB (assumes 0dB is the current setting).
“0” is the transmit ID
“R” is the BKC-DIP Reply message.
“P1=FF” is the BKC-DIP command for the current preset in logical Zone 1 (P1: main theater zone ID).
“1=60” is the current preset parameter (1: Volume), is set to the Hex value of 60 (volume at 0dB ).
For a complete list of B&K RS-232 parameter Protocol, see the Series_IIIS2_10000.pdf or greater located in
the documentation of BKcSuite or online at B&K’s website.
All (Both) = Outputs both a BKC-DIP Update and Reply messages.
Receive ID / Transmit ID - This is the identifier in B&K RS-232 protocol that allows B&K to “listen” (receive
ID) or “talk” (transmit ID) to other B&K products. Change this identifier if you are using an external automa-
tion system to control more than one B&K products in series. The transmit and receive IDs are denoted by
the first number in an RS-232 message i.e. (0,S,I,1=45;).
Note - If you change the Receive or Transmit ID, it does not affect setup with BKcSuite.
11 PPoorrttEEnnaabblleedd
22 BBaauudd rraattee99660000
33 EEcchhooDDiissaabblleedd
44 FFeeeeddbbaacckkNNoonnee
55 RReecceeiivvee IIDD00
66 TTrraannssmmiitt IIDD00
nneexxtt iitteemm EENNTT sseelleecctt
MMEENNUU aaddvvaanncceedd sseettuupp
12v 12v
12VDC Power Supply
IR IR Input
CTR 12VDC Control Output
RS-232 Host Transmit
Signal/Common Ground
RCV RS-232 Host Receive