10. Configurator, Installation settings
Normal Maximum allowed power is fed to the lamp. Maximum light output is reached in
this way.
Economic a reduced wattage is fed to the lamp. Reduced light output but a longer life time
for the lamp.
- W hen mode is set to Normal, then CLO mode can be switched on or off.
- W hen switching the power mode to Economic while the CLO mode is On, then the CLO mode is
switched to Off.
- W hen the power mode is Economic and the CLO mode is switched to the On mode, then the power
mode will be switched to the Normal mode.
2. Dimming, click on the slider and move the desired dim ming position or click on the up down control of
the spin box until the desired dimming is reached.
CLO mode (status)CLO or Constant Light Output allows to force a constant light output of the projector over acertain period.
This willeliminate uncontrolled light output dropcaused by natural aging of the lamp.
Toactivate the CLO mode, check the ch eck box inf ront of CLO status.
When CLO is activated, a target value must be entered. Cli cko n the up down control of the spin box until
the desired CLOtarget lumens is installed or click in the input field and enter the desired value with the
Lamp run timeThisgiv es an indication of the current and remaining run time. Avisual indication via a progr ess bar shows
the current run time in percentage of the total safe run time of the lamp.
Lamp strikesIndicates the number of times the lamp has been started since the first startup.
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