

archiving books or periodicals 43, 60AT&T Terms of Service & Acceptable Use Policy 112



swiping left to move to a previous activity 21 tapping the book icon in the Status Bar to return to

your most recent book, magazine, or newspaper 24Barnes & Noble account 11view the account email address 76 batterybattery charge indicator in the Status Bar 24 expected length of charge 14battery charge indicator 24 bookborrowing a book 64 buying a book 68changing fonts, margins, and other settings 51 lending a book 64reading 30 bookmarksin a book 44 Bookmarks tab 34borrowing a book from a friend 64


Chapter tab 32 cleaning the screen 18 clock12-hour or 24-hour 80digital clock in the Status Bar 24 contactsadding a contact 87adding or editing email addresses for contacts 88 deleting a contact 88managing 87sharing quotes with contacts 49 credit cardchanging 83charged for purchases 66

requirement for the LendMe Program 63 setting up your Barnes & Noble account 11, 12

customizing your NOOK using the Settings screens 73


de-registration 76 dictionarylooking up a word in a book 48downloading Library items with the Sync button 57 drag 22DRM-protected files 53


Facebooklinking your NOOK to your Facebook account 86 sharing a highlighted passage 49

sharing quotes through Facebook 49 using the Facebook Like feature 42

FCC Notices 108 files

transferring files to or from a personal computer 61 finger motions. See gestures

font families for books and periodicals 52


gestures 20 GlowLight

adjusting the brightness of GlowLight 26 GlowLight button in Quick Nav Bar 23 GlowLight settings screen 74

Google Gmail account importing contacts from 86


iconsin the Quick Nav Bar 23 in the Status Bar 24Industry Canada notice 110 InStore 71International Use and Languages 101


legal notices 76 lending a book 64 LendMe programborrowing a book 64keeping your list of lendable books private 65 lending book 64overview and guidelines 63 Library

Memory Card 58

organizing your Library on shelves 59

Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide