1. On the Multiplayer Game Setup screen, click Options.
2. Perform any of the following actions:
To set the length for a game, set the Point Goal field.
To set the season for a game, set the Season field.
To set bonuses for a game, set the Bonuses field.
3. Click OK.

Change your screen name

1. On the Multiplayer Game Setup screen, click your screen name.
2. Click Change Screen Name.
3. Type a new screen name.
4. Press the Enter key.

Chat with other players

1. On the Multiplayer Game Setup screen, in the Chat field, type a message.
2. Press the Enter key.

Check the stats for a player

1. On the Multiplayer Game Setup screen, click a player.
2. Click Show Stats.

Remove a player

To perform this task, you must be the game organizer.
1. On the Multiplayer Game Setup screen, click a player.
2. Click Remove Player.
Troubleshooting: Word Mole

I cannot connect to a multiplayer game

Try performing the following actions:
Verify that your BlackBerry® device is connected to the wireless network.
If you are the game organizer, try resending the invitation.
If you are a game participant, try accepting the invitation again.
If you are a game participant, verify that the game organizer did not exit the multiplayer game.
User Guide Word Mole game