counterclockwise. Use the centre of the black ring as an indicator.
6. If relief valve opens, reduce setting on pressure switch, cool kettle completely by filling with
cold water and repeat this procedure.
7. If pressure in kettle is below 40 psi, increase setting on pressure switch, cool kettle
completely by filling with cold water and repeat this procedure.
8. Replace the front panel when adjustment is complete.
When the “Low Water” light is on, additional water is required and the following steps must be
1. Unit should be completely cold and off.
2. Lift handle of pressure relief valve to release the remaining vacuum in the kettle.
3. Remove air vent nut of the elbow located at the rear right of the unit.
4. Pour 72 ounces of distilled water into the open end of the elbow (a funnel will be helpful).
5. Replace and tighten nut. Be sure to seal threads with pipe joint compound suitable for
steam at 50 psi.
6. Vacuum must now be re-established. See following section.
Periodically check pressure gauge when kettle is cold. It should be in green vacuum zone
(below 0 psi). Otherwise air is present and proper heating will not occur.
To remove air:
1. Set temperature dial to 7 and heat empty kettle until pressure gauge indicates 5-10 psi.
2. Open air vent nut one half turn to release air for 10 to 15 seconds; then close and re-tighten.
3. Proper vacuum in the kettle should now be re-established.