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Settings options
Features Default Setting
(Options) Effect
Audio Delay
Available only for
DVDs and connected
video components.
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Each number change adjusts the delay by about 30 milliseconds.
The most noticeable mismatch in the video and audio synchronization
(caused by the video processing in some TVs), occurs in scenes with
people talking.
If they appear to finish sentences before their lips stop moving, select a
different Audio Delay setting to correct this condition.
Movie EQ
Available only if Audio
Processing is set to
Adjustable in the
Audio System menu.
(Not available
for CD or FM·AM.)
Leaves the equalization of the movie soundtrack as originally recorded.
Adjusts the equalization of the movie soundtrack to better suit some home
theater installations.
Note: To turn on Movie EQ, the Audio Processing option in the System menu
must be set as User Adjustable.
Range Compression
Available only if Audio
Processing is set to
Adjustable in the
Audio System menu.
(Not available
for CD or FM·AM.)
Leaves the volume range of the movie soundtrack as originally recorded.
Reduces the volume range of sounds on a movie soundtrack.
Late at night or at other quiet times, the startling difference between the
quietest and loudest audio passages in a movie can be a problem.
Turning this feature On moderates those effects.
Note: To turn on Range Compression, the Audio Processing option in the
System menu must be set as User Adjustable.