For Wireless Network Users

Confirm your network environment (Infrastructure Mode)

The following instructions will offer two methods f or installing your Brother machine in a wireless network
environment. Both methods are for infrastructure mode, using a wireless router or access point that uses DHCP
to assign IP addresses. Choose a configuration method and proceed to the page indicated.
aIf your wireless router/access point does not support SecureEasySetup™, Wi-Fi Protected Setup™
or AOSS™, write down the wireless network settings of your access point or wireless router.
If you do not know this information (N etwork Name, WEP key or WPA2-PSK (Pre-Shared K ey)),
you cannot continue the wireless setup. You should see the documentation provide d with your
access point or wireless router, consult the router manufacturer, or your system administrator.
SSID (Service Set ID or Network name)
Authentication (Open System or Shared Key)/Encryption Type (None or WEP)
WEP Key (if needed) 1
WPA/WPA2-PSK Encryption type (TKIP or AES) (if needed) 2
WPA/WPA2-PSK (Pre-Shared Key) (if needed) 2
1The WEP key is for 64-b it encrypted netwo rks or 128-bit encry pted networks and can contain both number s and letters. If you d o
not know this inform ation you should se e the documentati on provided with yo ur access point or w ireless router. This key is a 64-
bit or 128-bit value that must be entere d in an ASCII or HE XADECIMAL format.
For example:
64-bit ASCII: Uses 5 text characters e.g. Hello (this is case sensitive)
64-bit Hexadecimal: Uses 10 digits of hexadecimal data e.g. 71f2234aba
128-bit ASCII: Uses 13 text characters e.g.
Wirelesscomms (this is case sensitive)
128-bit Hexadecimal:
Uses 26 digits of hexadecimal data e.g.
2WPA/WPA2-PSK is a Wi-Fi® Protected Access Pre-Shared Key, which lets the Brother wireless machine associate with access
points using TKIP or AES encryption (WPA-Personal). WPA/WPA2-PSK (TK IP or AES) uses a Pre-Shared Key (PSK) that is 8 or
more characters i n length, up to a max imum of 63 charac ters.

Now go to page 31

bIf your wireless router/access point supports automatic wireless (one-push) setup
(SecureEasySetup™, Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ or AOSS™ )

Now go to page 33