Page 40
Screen Displayed Possible Cause Troubleshooting Procedure
1. SMART FUNNEL not fully inserted
into the funnel rails.
2. Not using a SMART FUNNEL, and
the FUNNEL LOCKOUT function is
activated (on).
1. Water temperature in the tank
does not meet the SET READY TEM-
1. Brew funnel was not removed
after the previous brew cycle was
1. Brew funnel was moved out of
position after the brew cycle was
Position the funnel so that the sen-
sor is directly beneath the sensor
coil on the brewer.
Disable the FUNNEL LOCKOUT func-
tion. See page 30 for procedure.
(a) Wait for the brewer to heat to the
proper temperature.
(b) Disable the BREW LOCKOUT
function. See page 10 for proce-
Remove funnel, check contents, and
insert back into the funnel rails.
Press BREW to start a brew cycle
without removing the funnel.
To resume brewing, correctly posi-
tion the funnel and press BREW
again. The brew cycle will resume
from the point it was interrupted.
Press ON/OFF to terminate the cycle.
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