3-12 SmartSwitch 6500 User Guide
Creating an Emulated LAN IP Over ATM and LANE
IP address
In the following example, a client is identified by its ATM address and IP address, and associates it with ELAN number
Smart6500 # add lecselanlec
AtmAddress() : 39:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:44:55:66:11:22:33:44:55:66:00
MACAddress/RouteDesc() : < No MAC address is specified
Layer3Address[IP]() :
ELANNumber(0) : 1 < ELAN is specified by ELAN number
TLVSet() : < No TLV set is specified
Smart6500 #
If the currently defined ELAN policies use either Best Effort or By ATM Address and/or By IP Address, the client with
the ATM address and IP address specified above will be assigned to ELAN 1.
Note To specify a TLV set with the add lecselanlec command, the TLV set must
currently exist. Use the add lecstlvset command to create a TLV set. For
detailed information on the add lecstlvset command, see the SmartSwitch 6500
Reference Manual.