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The choice of film is an important part of photography, and you have a wide variety to choose from. Films differ in a number of ways including ASA rating, exposure lati- tude, color rendition and color temperature among other variables. Some, such as infrared film, require the use of certain filters. Depending on the type of film, a color temperature conversion filter may be necessary under certain lighting conditions. And, of course, you have the basic choice between two types of color film: color negative film (for prints) and color reversal (slide) film. Film can be purchased either in cartridge form with varying numbers of frames or in bulk form. Either type can be loaded in the A-1. Although bulk film is a little more complicated to handle since it must be cut to the desired number of frames and handled in complete darkness, there are simple devices for this purpose on the

market and it is cheaper than cartridge film. For more information concerning film, please refer to a book on photography or ask your local film dealer, and please pay careful attention to the film data sheet.

Aside from those instances when a specific filter is required, filters can also be used to emphasize certain colors for more clarity or special effects. Canon offers a wide variety of filters for both black and white and color films. It also offers a gelatin filter holder which can hold up to three filters at a time and can be attached to various diameter lenses by means of adapters. Since the A-1 has a through-the-lens meter, there is no need to make any exposure correction with filter factors when a filter is attached.
