In Windows 7 and Windows Vista, a confirmation or warning dialog b ox may appear while
installing, uninstalling or starting software.
Such dialog box appears when administrative rights are required to perform a task.
If you are logged on to an administrator account, click Continue or Allow (Yes in W indows 7)
to continue.
2. Select Canon Inkjet Printer/Scanner/Fax Extended Survey Program.
3. Select Change.
Follow the on-screen instructions and select Yes to open a confirmation screen before sending
the usage status from the next time.
Select No to send the usage status automatically.
Select Uninstall (Windows XP and Windows 2000: Delete) to delete the In kjet Printer/
Scanner/Fax Extended Survey Program. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete.
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Page 332 of 334 pagesAbout Inkjet Printer/Scanner/Fax Extended Survey Program