Reinstall the driver.

11.Reinstall the driver with the procedures in Installing the Software and USB Driver (p. 11).

Windows Me/Windows 98 SE

Check to see if the camera is being recognized as an “other” device and delete the driver if it is.

1.Click the [Start] menu and select [Settings], followed by [Control Panel]. Double-click the [System] icon.

This will display the System Properties window.

2.Click the [Device Manager] tab.

3.Click the symbol beside the [Other devices] and/or [Imaging devices] category. Your camera model name or [Canon Camera] will display in these categories if it is being recognized as an “other” device.

There are other potential reasons for the problem if the “Other devices” or “Imaging devices” categories do not appear or your camera model name or [Canon Camera] does not appear. Proceed to Step 6, temporarily quit the procedures and investigate the other potential causes.

4.Select your camera model name or [Canon Camera] and click [Remove].

5.Click [OK] in the confirmation dialog.

Delete all instances of your camera model name or [Canon Camera] if it appears in one or more places in the [Other devices] or [Imaging devices] categories.

6.Click [OK] to close the System Properties window.

Delete the setup information files.

7.Double-click the [My Computer] icon on the desktop, followed by the [C:] drive, [WINDOWS] or [Windows] folder and [INF] or [Inf] folder.