dvanced Guide >
ppendix > Uninstalling the On-Screen Manuals
Uninstalling the On-Screen Manuals
Follow the procedure below to uninstall all of the installed on-screen manuals from your computer.
ll of the installed on-screen manuals will be deleted at the same time.
1. Click Start > All Programs (Programs in Windows 2000) > Canon XXX Manual
(where "XXX" is your machine's name) > Uninstall.
2. Click OK when the confirmation message appears.
When the message prompting you to restart your computer is displayed, click OK to restart your
On-screen manuals other than printer driver's help and scanner driver's help are uninstalled at a time.
1. Select Applications on the Go menu.
2. Double-click the Canon Utilities folder, and then the IJ Manual folder.
3. Drag the folder of your machine's name into the trash.
4. Drag the XXX On-screen Manual icon (where "XXX" is your machine name) on
your desktop into the trash.
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Page 612 of 628 pagesUninstalling the On-Screen Manuals