Holding the Camera

Images become blurred if the camera moves when the shutter button is pressed. Hold the camera as shown below to avoid camera movement when shooting.

Hold the camera firmly with both hands and let your elbows rest at your sides. Place your finger on the shutter button as you hold the camera.

Make sure that your hair or fingers do not obstruct the lens, flash, self- timer lamp, microphone or speaker.

Fix the camera onto a tripod when shooting infinity shots or in dark places.


The indicators light or blink when the power button or shutter button is pressed.

Upper Indicator

Green:Ready to shoot

Blinking Green: Recording to SD card / Reading SD card / Erasing from SD card/Transmitting data (during a computer connection)

Orange:Ready to shoot (flash on)

Blinking Orange: Ready to shoot (camera shake warning)

Lower Indicator

Yellow:Macro mode / Infinity mode/ AF lock

Blinking Yellow: Focusing difficulty (single beep).

Although you can still press the shutter button when the indicator blinks yellow, you are recommended to shoot using the focus lock or AF lock (p. 90).