

Data Communications

3-pin serial port

Method: Start-stop (asynchronous), half-duplex

Transmission speed (BPS):

115200 bits/second (normal)

9600 bits/second (When connected to CFX-9850/fx-7400 series; Send/Receive commands)

38400 bits/second (Send38k/Receive38k commands)

<115200 bits/second> Parity: EVEN

Bit length: 8 bits

Stop bit:

Send: 1 bit

Receive: 1 bit

Includes parity (None) 1-bit

X ON/X OFF Control: None

<9600, 38400 bits/second> Parity: None

Bit length: 8 bits

Stop bit:

Send: 3 bits

Receive: 2 bits

Includes parity (None) 1-bit

X ON/X OFF Control: None

USB port

In accordance with USB 1.1 standards