Key Lighting System Operation and Display

Contents During 3-step Lesson Play

Whenever you select an Auto Accompaniment tune (00 to

83)for 3-step lesson play, the key lighting system shows you which keys to press, while the display shows you the fingerings.

Note Pitch

The keyboard key that should be pressed lights. The fingers you should use to play the notes are also shown on the display.

Note Length

Keyboard keys stay lit for as long as the note should be played. The fingerings also remain on the display for the length of the note.

Next Note

The keyboard key for the next note to be played flashes, while a number appears on the display near the finger you should use to play the next note.

Series of Same Pitch Notes

The keyboard key light turns off momentarily between the notes and lights again for each successive note. The fingerings also turn off and back on again.

Example: When play requires pressing keys with fingers 3, 2, and then 1

1st Note

2nd Note

3rd Note

Next note

Current note

Flash Lit

Flash Lit



Key light


Note length is not indicated when you are using two-hand tunes (84 to 99) with 3-Step Lesson Steps 1 and 2. As soon as you press a lit key, it goes out and the next key to be played starts to flash.

Note length is indicated by the key light system when you use a two-hand tune with Step 3. In this case, the next key to be pressed does not flash when you press a lit key and the next finger number does not appear on the display. Only the current finger number is shown.

Voice Fingering Guide

Voice fingering guide uses a simulated human voice to call out fingering numbers during Step 1 and Step 2 one-hand part practice. If you need to press a key with your thumb, for example, voice fingering guide says, “One!” In the case of a chord to be played with your thumb, middle and little finger, voice fingering guide says, “One, three, five!”

Voice Fingering Guide calls out fingerings only when you do not press the proper key when you should.

To turn voice fingering guide on and off

Use the SPEAK button to turn voice fingering guide on and off.

Voice fingering guide indicator

Timing Indicator

The timing indicator helps you become familiar with tunes you are playing for the first time by indicating the timing of notes you play on the keyboard. Timing is easier to see when you use a slow tempo during lesson play.

Using the Timing Indicator

The timing indicator shows the timing of notes contained in the currently selected part (R or L). Notes are indicated as two-segment blocks that scroll from the top of the display, down to the bottom. A note is played when its block reaches the bottom of the display.

Upcoming note timing

Note played here

Each two-segment block can indicate one or more notes, depending on the tune you are playing.


The Timing Indicator shows note timing whenever you play back a Song Bank tune and during a 3-Step Lesson.

Note that the Timing Indicator shows approximate timing only.
