1) Be sure you ha ve connected t he CAT5 cable corre ctly. Note that the
stripe/so lid pattern sh ould match the l abels on the pro duct. Miss-
wiring can ca use distorte d sound or preve nt the system fr om working
at all!
2) Be sure you ha ve connected t he speakers in p hase. Follow t he label
on the produc t. Out of phase spe akers can rob t he system of its ba ss,
especiall y when driving d ual-voice- coil speaker s.
3) Be sure IR emi tters are dire ctly over the IR se nsor for all de vices you
wish to contr ol.
4) If no audio is h eard in a zone.. . inspect the sta tus LEDs for tha t zone.
The red LED nex t to the output you a re using shou ld be illumina ted
and so should t he blue LED labe led “Active” . Note that ther e are two
red LEDs for ea ch zone output , one for RJ-45 co nnector and on e for
the 110 connecto r. These red LEDs ind icate which ou tput connect or
is being used ( only one can be us ed at a time). If yo u connect
keypads to bo th of these conn ectors simul taneously, only t he RJ-45
output will b e activated.
5) If no audio is h eard and the blu e LED labeled “A ctive” is not li t...
Make sure tha t audio is playi ng (it must be pla ying for the Activ e light
to come on). If mu sic is playing , re-issue the s ource comma nd (i.e.
re-select t he source usin g the remote or ke ypad).
6) If a CAT5 wire is con nected to the P- 1044, make sur e the other end is
terminate d with a keypad. I f the CAT5 wire is left u n-terminat ed while
the other end i s attached to th e P-1044, it may be p ossible for t he
conductor s in the rough end o f the CAT5 to short tog ether and caus e
problems fo r the system.
7) If one of the sou rce inputs is no t working try co nnecting th at source
into one of the w orking sourc e inputs. If the pr oblem persi sts check
the cabling b etween the sou rce and the P-10 44.
Connection Tips and Troubleshooting
10 11
Stripping and Connecting CAT5 Wire
1. Place the CAT5 between the blade and the first notch of the J-110 tool.
CAT5 cable should be stripped with a proper stripping tool, such as Channel
Vision’s J-110 tool.
1 turn only
2. Rotate the tool only once. Multiple
turns will cause you to cut into the
inner wires.
3. Inspect the inner wires for damage.
If any wires are cut start over at step 1.
Check for damage
TIA-568A RJ-45 Modular Plug
Side view:
Top view:
Specifications: (typical @25º C)
Operating Voltage : 24±.5VDC
Cable requirements: CAT5 or better
Speaker impedance: 6-8 ohm
IR repeating: 30-60kHz
IR sensor range (AB-124): 40’@40kHz, 25’@56kHz
Operating Temperature: -10ºC to +50ºC
Specifications subject to change without notice.
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