38 user’s guide
getting messages After you view or close a message, it will not automatically display again.
To read a previously received message, open Compaq Connections:
1 Click Start on the taskbar.
2 Chose All Programs.
3 Choose PC Help & Tool.
4 Choose Compaq Connections.
5 Click Compaq Connections again.
Compaq Connections opens and lists the message titles. To read a message,
double-click the message title in the window. You can close this window, and
Compaq Connections remains active.
turning off messages You cannot receive messages, including important Support messages that may
be critical to the operation of your PC, while the service is off.
To turn off the Compaq Connections Service:
1 Click Start on the taskbar.
2 Choose All Programs.
3 Choose PC Help & Tool.
4 Choose Compaq Connections.
5 Click Disable Compaq Connections.
The service is turned off until you re-enable it.
When you re-enable the Compaq Connections Service, the service runs
whenever you are connected to the Internet, and you receive messages as they
become available.
To turn on the service:
Double-click the Re-enable Compaq Connections icon on the desktop.
1 Click Start on the taskbar.
2 Choose All Programs.
3 Choose PC Help & Tool.
4 Choose Compaq Connections.
5 Click Re-enable Compaq Connections.